Sunday, March 13, 2022



Do you think

of motherhood as a ministry?

I do. There is great,

encouraging authority for this view.

When you serve your family,

you are serving Christ. [1] 


Vocation of motherhood

Being a mother is a vocation. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, when the baby's crying, you're tired and the plumbing just broke. Yet you're changing the world by helping your unique child to develop personal life and talents. In so doing, you send an ambassador out to the world when the time of your child's independence arrives. An ambassador with godly values will bring sparks of the Godly Nature to a world often in great need of such.

Decent family values

If your child is not given the right support during early formative years, there may be negative consequences down the line. Your child has the capacity to affect the lives of others either negatively or positively. Help your child to grow to be a person with decent family values and spirituality. A good set of values is an invaluable compass in an ever shifting world.

Art of motherhood

A mother who cares enough to be there, accompany her child throughout childhood and the teenage years until adulthood has got what it takes. What it takes is love, prayer, compassion, grit, determination and awesome organisational skills. These skills often don't come naturally - they develop as you practise the art of motherhood.

Made in God's Image

This human being whom God has entrusted to your care is made in His Image and Likeness. It is up to you to nurture and support your child for as long as time gifts you. God will help you with your great endeavour.

My dear mom always used to say that the moment a mother gives birth to a baby, her life is no longer her own. The needs - physical, emotional, material and spiritual - of another now takes precedence. Sometimes at personal sacrifice.


So congratulations for serving your family, for taking on your vocation as mom, and for forgiving yourself when you are slightly less than perfect. You're doing what needs to be done - that's what matters.


Rev Catherine

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 35

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