Sunday, March 13, 2022



"In a society where "me" is first, it's important that you teach your children to be courteous to their elders, including you as their parents. Teach them to open the door for you as you enter a shopping mall or restaurant. Teach them to wait for their elders to be seated before they sit down. Teach them to give up their seat on the bus to someone older or to a mom holding a baby. Teach them to allow their elders to be served first in a buffet line.

If your children's father is at home, they should be taught to respect him. Their father is their heritage. A daughter learns of her responsibility to her husband through her dad. A son learns of his responsibility to the family he will have some day through his obedience to his dad. Teaching children to obey their father and you is necessary. If they can't or won't obey you, how will they ever learn to obey God?

Teach them to say "excuse me," "please," and "thank you." If you think your children will learn these courtesies just by growing up, I have news for you. They won't. You have to teach your chidlren common courtesy. It counts for a lifetime!" [1]

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 134

The Stay at Home Mom. Goodreads

With thanks to Donna Otto and

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