Sunday, February 27, 2022


Steps to a Serene lifestyle: Two

Search for your unique talent which God has given you. Your unique talent gives meaning to your days. The goal is not to make money or gain status, but to share the best of yourself and be fully immersed in a task.

Creativity is a great gift from God. Each one of us has received some special talent. Search for it; claim it and own it.
And then use it.

We are here on earth not merely to be served by others, but TO SERVE. Our lives - as Our Lord Jesus Christ showed us through the example of His own life on earth - is to be one of service. Serve with joy: using your unique talent or talents.

Remember that hard work often trumps talent. God may give a great gift to one who does not treasure the talent or put in the hard work the talent needs. It may be that another with little talent, who is wishful to practise the talent, and works long hours at developing the skills necessary, may eventually turn out to be the authority in the talent's sphere.

So do not be shy of hard work. Hard work, together with talent and the Grace of God, makes us like a beacon of light on a hill-top. As Christ commanded, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father Who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

All of us have times of low spirits, illness and depression. It is quite amazing how hope for a better future, hard work in pursuit of a creative talent and selfless service of others can lift personal spirits and bring happiness. "It is more blessed to give than to receive,"  as Lord Jesus said. (Acts 20:35)

With thanks to free clipart

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