Sunday, March 13, 2022



                                                                        Mary and Jesus

In God's Word, Christ told us about Himself. In doing so He gave us much to imitate. In His Word there are many others who set a good example. For example, Paul even admonished us to live as He lived. Read God's Word looking for others who were like Christ that you can imitate.

As you seek to know Christ better, you will begin to imitate Him as you minister to your family. As you learn to sacrifice and suffer loss, as you learn to set aside your personal desires, as you are willing to pray for your children and put them first, they will see what it means to serve Christ. They will see the invisible Christ in your visible example.

Marc Chagall, one of the world's most famous Jewish artists, created 12 stained glass windows for the Hadassah Hebrew Medical Center in a elevated section of Jerusalem. Each window depicts one of the 12 tribes of Israel. When the sunlight filters through these prominently elevated windows, they glow brilliantly and can be seen around Jerusalem for miles.

You are like ones of these stained glass windows. You have prominence. You have been elevated. You are a mother! As you allow the light of Jesus Christ to filter through you, your children will see His beauty in you. As they are drawn to Him, you will be instrumental in returning your children to the King as saints. [1]

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 50

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