Tuesday, March 29, 2022



LAUGHTER CAN HELP TO TURN A BAD DAY INTO A GOOD ONE! I know, sometimes there really is nothing to laugh at. But this is where friends and family are at their best. At the worst moment, someone may make a joke, thus making you laugh. And sometimes your worries seem a little less.

So laugh! Laughing is said to increase the amount of oxygen-rich air you inhale. That, in turn, increases the oxytocin released by your brain, helping you  feel more relaxed and less anxious. [1]

[1] Natasha Holt. Your Health - The A to Z of self-care. International Express, Wednesday October 6, 2021. Page 37

With thanks to International Express


A number of studies appear strongly to indicate that a vegeterian diet protects against cancer. One such study is available in the National Library of Medicine. 

The study entitled "Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population" states that dietary factors account for at least 30% of all cancers in Western countries; Alleged News. [1] 

The conclusion of the study is that "vegetarian diets seem to confer protection against cancer."

[1] Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population; Alleged News. 


With thanks to pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Sunday, March 13, 2022


"The nearer we live to God, the thicker and faster will satan's arrows fly."

[1] Excerpt from: Thomas Cook. New Testament Holiness. The Epworth Press: London. Page 16 

The book may be accessed on the webpage "Commonplace Holiness" by Editor Craig L. Adams, who notes: 

"This is undoubtedly one of the clearest statements of holiness teaching ever written. I am once again thankful to Google books for making available a scanned edition of this book, from which this online edition is based. My personal copy is an old paperback reprint that is marked up (from long ago) and whose pages are falling out.

Thomas Cook was a British evangelist, who died in 1913 at the age of 53. He became a Methodist preacher at the age of 18, and went on to be a very effective and well-travelled evangelist in his generation. Later, he became the first principal of Cliff College." 



With thanks to Editor Adams and Google books


"HOLINESS is not only a state but a way, and not only a way, but a highway, wherein the redeemed are to walk; and walking along that highway we shall always have Christ at our side.

We get into the highway of holiness by a definite act of consecration and faith, and walk upon that highway by continuous surrender and trust. Christ is the Door, and He is the Way. Walking with Him, we shall grow more and more unworldly and heavenly-minded, more transformed, more like Christ, until our very faces shall be radiant with Divine glory.

As with Moses, who "wist not that the skin of his face shone" with the reflected radiance which it had received when he was in the Presence of Jehovah, so from those who walk with God there emanates an unconscious influence which madkes the ungodly tremble before them ... 

When the old Hebrews wanted to describe a man who reached their ideal in religious life, they used the simple but comprehensive phrase "he walked with God." To them there was nothing higher than unbroken and unclouded communion with their Maker. That was, in their view, the secret of all holiness, and the New Testament has nothing higher than that to reveal. "We all with unveiled face beholding, as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image."

When we sit before the camera, and have our portraits taken, our picture is printed on the prepared glass; but when we behold and continue to behold the Image of Christ we become the camera, and His Image is printed on our souls. The teaching is, that we become like those with whom we keep company."

[1] Excerpt from: Thomas Cook. New Testament Holiness. The Epworth Press: London. Pp 99 - 100 



"... I do know that coming from out the infinite sea of the future there will never touch this bank and shoal of time a richer gift, a rarer blessing, than liberty for man, woman and child."  [1]

[1] Excerpt from: The Note Book of Elbert Hubbard. 1927.  The Roycrofters: USA. Page 32



"...the Spirit of Gentleness

and Trust is eternal."  [1]

[1] Excerpt from: The Note Book of Elbert Hubbard. 1927.  The Roycrofters: USA. Page 40



"In a society where "me" is first, it's important that you teach your children to be courteous to their elders, including you as their parents. Teach them to open the door for you as you enter a shopping mall or restaurant. Teach them to wait for their elders to be seated before they sit down. Teach them to give up their seat on the bus to someone older or to a mom holding a baby. Teach them to allow their elders to be served first in a buffet line.

If your children's father is at home, they should be taught to respect him. Their father is their heritage. A daughter learns of her responsibility to her husband through her dad. A son learns of his responsibility to the family he will have some day through his obedience to his dad. Teaching children to obey their father and you is necessary. If they can't or won't obey you, how will they ever learn to obey God?

Teach them to say "excuse me," "please," and "thank you." If you think your children will learn these courtesies just by growing up, I have news for you. They won't. You have to teach your chidlren common courtesy. It counts for a lifetime!" [1]

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 134

The Stay at Home Mom. Goodreads


With thanks to Donna Otto and goodreads.com


In 1833, John Abbott wrote: "The efforts which a mother makes for the improvement of her child in knowledge and virtue are necessarily retired and unobtrusive. The world knows not of them; and hence, the world has been slow to perceive how powerful and extensive is this secret and silent influence." [1] and [2]

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 51

[2] John Abbott, "The Mother at Home," Grace Attending Ministries, Inc., (American Tract Society, 1978, 1984)

Goodreads: The Mother at Home by John S.C. Abbott


With thanks to Donna Otto, John Abbott and Goodreads


"Shape your children by focusing on their character traits. When you see them exhibit traits such as faith, integrity, self-discipline, perseverance, and courage, applaud them. Be a role model of exemplary character before them. Identify other role models in their life who display these qualities. Impress upon your children this thought: Reputation is who people think you are; character is who you are when no one is looking." [1]

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 131

The Stay at Home Mom. Goodreads


With thanks to Donna Otto and goodreads.com



                                                                        Mary and Jesus

In God's Word, Christ told us about Himself. In doing so He gave us much to imitate. In His Word there are many others who set a good example. For example, Paul even admonished us to live as He lived. Read God's Word looking for others who were like Christ that you can imitate.

As you seek to know Christ better, you will begin to imitate Him as you minister to your family. As you learn to sacrifice and suffer loss, as you learn to set aside your personal desires, as you are willing to pray for your children and put them first, they will see what it means to serve Christ. They will see the invisible Christ in your visible example.

Marc Chagall, one of the world's most famous Jewish artists, created 12 stained glass windows for the Hadassah Hebrew Medical Center in a elevated section of Jerusalem. Each window depicts one of the 12 tribes of Israel. When the sunlight filters through these prominently elevated windows, they glow brilliantly and can be seen around Jerusalem for miles.

You are like ones of these stained glass windows. You have prominence. You have been elevated. You are a mother! As you allow the light of Jesus Christ to filter through you, your children will see His beauty in you. As they are drawn to Him, you will be instrumental in returning your children to the King as saints. [1]

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 50



Do you think

of motherhood as a ministry?

I do. There is great,

encouraging authority for this view.

When you serve your family,

you are serving Christ. [1] 


Vocation of motherhood

Being a mother is a vocation. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, when the baby's crying, you're tired and the plumbing just broke. Yet you're changing the world by helping your unique child to develop personal life and talents. In so doing, you send an ambassador out to the world when the time of your child's independence arrives. An ambassador with godly values will bring sparks of the Godly Nature to a world often in great need of such.

Decent family values

If your child is not given the right support during early formative years, there may be negative consequences down the line. Your child has the capacity to affect the lives of others either negatively or positively. Help your child to grow to be a person with decent family values and spirituality. A good set of values is an invaluable compass in an ever shifting world.

Art of motherhood

A mother who cares enough to be there, accompany her child throughout childhood and the teenage years until adulthood has got what it takes. What it takes is love, prayer, compassion, grit, determination and awesome organisational skills. These skills often don't come naturally - they develop as you practise the art of motherhood.

Made in God's Image

This human being whom God has entrusted to your care is made in His Image and Likeness. It is up to you to nurture and support your child for as long as time gifts you. God will help you with your great endeavour.

My dear mom always used to say that the moment a mother gives birth to a baby, her life is no longer her own. The needs - physical, emotional, material and spiritual - of another now takes precedence. Sometimes at personal sacrifice.


So congratulations for serving your family, for taking on your vocation as mom, and for forgiving yourself when you are slightly less than perfect. You're doing what needs to be done - that's what matters.


Rev Catherine

[1] Donna Otto. The Stay at home Mom, for Women at home and Those who want to be. 1991. Oregon. Harvest House Publishers. Page 35