Sunday, March 13, 2022


"HOLINESS is not only a state but a way, and not only a way, but a highway, wherein the redeemed are to walk; and walking along that highway we shall always have Christ at our side.

We get into the highway of holiness by a definite act of consecration and faith, and walk upon that highway by continuous surrender and trust. Christ is the Door, and He is the Way. Walking with Him, we shall grow more and more unworldly and heavenly-minded, more transformed, more like Christ, until our very faces shall be radiant with Divine glory.

As with Moses, who "wist not that the skin of his face shone" with the reflected radiance which it had received when he was in the Presence of Jehovah, so from those who walk with God there emanates an unconscious influence which madkes the ungodly tremble before them ... 

When the old Hebrews wanted to describe a man who reached their ideal in religious life, they used the simple but comprehensive phrase "he walked with God." To them there was nothing higher than unbroken and unclouded communion with their Maker. That was, in their view, the secret of all holiness, and the New Testament has nothing higher than that to reveal. "We all with unveiled face beholding, as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image."

When we sit before the camera, and have our portraits taken, our picture is printed on the prepared glass; but when we behold and continue to behold the Image of Christ we become the camera, and His Image is printed on our souls. The teaching is, that we become like those with whom we keep company."

[1] Excerpt from: Thomas Cook. New Testament Holiness. The Epworth Press: London. Pp 99 - 100 

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